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A stack of colorful self-help and motivational books is placed on grass, with titles clearly visible. The books are arranged with one book prominently displayed in the foreground, titled 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. The setting appears to be outdoors with a blurred backdrop of greenery and a clear sky.
A stack of colorful self-help and motivational books is placed on grass, with titles clearly visible. The books are arranged with one book prominently displayed in the foreground, titled 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. The setting appears to be outdoors with a blurred backdrop of greenery and a clear sky.
A stack of hardcover books is neatly arranged on an orange-brown armchair. The titles are visible and include topics related to self-help and personal development. The background shows a blur of greenery, suggesting a cozy indoor setting.
A stack of hardcover books is neatly arranged on an orange-brown armchair. The titles are visible and include topics related to self-help and personal development. The background shows a blur of greenery, suggesting a cozy indoor setting.